Who, Me?

By Linda Tancs

Matthew’s call to discipleship is depicted in a painting by Italian artist Caravaggio. In that rendering, he appears to point incredulously to himself. Indeed, as a tax collector for Rome, he was one of the most despised Jews among his people. Unworthiness is hardly a concept limited to the first century, however. It persists through the ages. We think God only wants “perfect” people, that our usefulness in the Kingdom is only as great as our spotlessness. As Matthew’s own gospel reminds us, Jesus came to call sinners, not the righteous (Matthew 9:13). All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23-24). We are works in progress, aiming to make amends. So the next time you think ‘Who, me?’ remember the answer is ‘Yes, you.’


As part of FOOT FORWARD MINISTRIES (a teaching and speaking ministry), Go Forward in Faith represents faith-based meditations for personal and professional growth. Join the Facebook group @goforwardinfaith.