By Linda Tancs

You lost that game. You lost that job. You lost that friendship. It’s for the best. “It’s for the best” is a common refrain when something potentially unfortunate has happened. After all, when was the last time someone got promoted to an executive position and was told “it’s for the best.” Funny thing is, ‘it’s for the best’ is actually the best thing to think in the worst of times. It’s about thinking that something is happening for you rather than to you. That’s the way Joseph (Jacob’s favorite son) saw it. His jealous brothers wanted to kill him but they sold him into slavery in Egypt instead. He rose to “CEO” of the country, only to be thrown into prison after a false accusation by the boss’s wife after he scorned her advances. After the truth was revealed and he met up with his brothers, he had no regrets. He even told them that what they intended for harm God intended for good (Genesis 37-50). It’s for the best, indeed.


As part of FOOT FORWARD MINISTRIES (a teaching and speaking ministry), Go Forward in Faith represents faith-based meditations for personal and professional growth. Follow us on Twitter @moveonfaith and join the Facebook group @goforwardinfaith.

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